Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year: If I Could Be With You (For Just One Night)


Melody: What is that song?

Boris: They played that song the first time I went out with Jessica.

Melody: Where did you go?

Boris: We went to a dance.

We were both students at the University of Chicago.
She had a high lQ and a low-cut dress.
Boy, they really don't write them like they used to.
Melody: Oh! That's a cliché.

Boris: Good, Melody. You caught it.

Melody: Well, you always get so mad when I do them.

Boris: Yeah, I shouldn't really. Sometimes a cliché is finally the best way to make one's point.


Much Later...

Crowd watching TV: Hey, hey, hold on! Hold on!
The balI's about to drop!
Come on!

Happy new year!

Boris: I happen to hate New Year's celebrations.
Everybody desperate to have fun.
Trying to celebrate in some pathetic little way.

Celebrate what? A step closer to the grave?

That's why I can't say enough times,
whatever love you can get and give,

whatever happiness you can filch or provide,

every temporary measure of grace,
whatever works.

And don't kid yourself, it's by no means all up to your own human ingenuity.

A bigger part of your existence is luck than you'd like to admit.
Christ, you know the odds of your father's one sperm from the billions, finding the single egg that made you?
Don't think about it,
you'll have a panic attack.


Happy New Year's to all my friends, family, readers, subscribers, and enemies. Wishing you all the best in 2011.

Rrr-reference: Whatever Works Words:

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Lost Art of Television Watching

I remember exactly when it happened: two years ago. I sat down at my television set, and my loyal friend, the Talking Head, asked me to go somewhere else. "Don't just watch the programming, interact with the stars!" the Head said, "come to our website, and find out more". It's like they didn't want me to sit still and watch my "disasters a second" for my three-hour allowance a night.

It was a decade after the end of the show about nothing, networks started expecting us hard working folks to stop watching television and go to an "Internet" for bonus features and content. (that's right, "an" Internet). First, it was our books, our movies, and our music; now our cathartic experience inducing cathode rays are being turned into data. Major broadcasters are forgetting to program us, and expect us to explore content and give our opinion on their blogs.
Is nothing sacred?

I have no kids. No wife. No cottage. No personal charming story to appeal to your emotions, however another couch potato does: let's call him "Cricket". 

Cricket is the owner and operator of a business. He has two children and a lovely wife, let's call her Carol. By the time he returns from work, showers, hangs out with his kids, and maybe stretches; he's physically exhausted. Then, the National News asks him to "Go Deeper", while we sits eating his dinner. Small children can't be blamed for getting heavier, but now his chill time is asking for more of him?

There is no more sitting back, tuning in, and uhm.... something else. Now, our reliable rubber ball, bouncing on our screens for years, wants us to catch it, turn it around and examine each error on every side; or worse yet have to learn how to juggle that ball with two others that magically appear out of a series of tubes. 

Our meditation time in front of the good ol' talky box is under attack; like a small child asking questions while you're on a phone call, our focus is drawn away from the best content television has ever produced. We're expected to be tweeting (on while watching, as if our discussions and peasant squabbling could have an affect on ratings.

If this were the Sixteenth Century, would we be talking with someone in a far off land, like Florida, about whether or not Iago would be able to get a handkerchief to Cassio and Desdemona? Would there be, "Behind the Blade: The Rise & Fall of Othello"? 

Have no fear. You can't read or watch any content on the "Internet" without ads on the five-minute mark, or dissecting each paragraph you read. It's free, though. We pay in the time it takes to reach these extras, and we don't even get the full experience. Sure there is an option to recall and search the every piece of data anywhere, at any time, but: so what? Our time is stretched so far, it's like it isn't the most limited resource we all share. 

As Bill Gates said, “Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs”.  However, in an age when more and more of us are working on our laptops from coffee shops, the last thing we want to do  is reach for it while we are enjoying our time in front of the TV, ignoring the people we love. This Holiday season, resist the urge to update you're favorite scene from Chevy Chase's Holiday Vacation. Instead, keep the enjoyment of Home Alone in your house.   

Jordan Keats lives in Victoria, BC, and wrote this while listening to Beck's Record Club, reading poems from Leonard Cohen's Book of Longing, and trying to focus on an article by David L. Ulin from the Los Angles Times Online about Reading from 2009. He's a Communications and New Media specialist with a love for coffee, and a lifelong dedication to Chen Style Taijiquan. He gives way too much of his spare time to:


Nota Bene: After sending this article to dozens of newspapers, and receiving no response in return - I've decided I don't want anything to do with them either. What are THEIR qualifications for publication? 

So you want to be a journalist?

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Best Independent Technology Journalist of 2010: @JesseBrown of TVO's Search Engine

Sick of: 

Social Media Gurus?

Futurists drooling for the peaceful arrival of singularity?

Newspapers crying over losing control over our stories?

Well, @JesseBrown is none of the above. The show he hosts, TVO's Search Engine, will help you to understand technology and the culture of the Internet. Jesse Brown & Rick Nye are independent Canadian journalists who are discussing global questions about technology, copyright, and privacy. A few of Search Engine's featured guests are:  Anthony Marco, @anthonymarco, a high school teacher and podcaster from Hamilton (Episode 63); Michael Geist, University of Ottawa Law Professor, and Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law, @mgeist, (Episode 66); and Chris Parsons, a political science, privacy and surveillance expert, from the University of Victoria, @caparsons.

Search Engine's last eighty episodes are available through TVO podcasts, and Search Engine is still in the Top Ten Downloads at (but we don't link to them). 

Thanks for reading, watching, and exploring,


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Friday, December 10, 2010

Videos: Victoria Wing Chun Punch Club Open House & Demo - #MartialArts #yyj

Punch Club 1 - Wing Chun & Staff Demo

Punch Club 2 - Sticks, Knives, & Tai Chi Demos

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sharing is Caring: Reblog Vs. Retweets Continued.

I'm happy to see some one else has picked up on the discussion we've been having on this blog about DM's for the last week. Since sharing is caring, here's the discussion:    

Thanks to everyone for all the awesome comments this week,



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Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanks to 30 Friends For Proving Me Wrong: Reblogs Vs. Retweets Part 2

This post is to give credit to those who took the time to retweet Wednesday's post. It made it to thirty. My faith in Twitter is restored. These are the generous people (accounts & businesses) who helped me spread the message to 183,466 accounts, equivalent to more than half the population of the Greater Victoria:

  1.  @SharonHayes
  2.  @weretwt 
  3.  @jodie_nodes
  4.  @dobronski
  5.  @kevwrites
  6.  @RussLoL
  7.  @gletham
  8.  @hittofit
  9.  @SeattleWushu
  10.  @TeresaSims
  11.  @RandoRay
  12.  @mikevardy
  13.  @thezonedotfm
  14.  @toots11
  15.  @LegendarySucker
  16.  @TheCaskAndKeg
  17.  @SocialSideMedia
  18.  @davidmaguire
  19.  @TweetTipsTools
  20.  @anthonymarco
  21.  @RajinderYadav
  22.  @colmanfink
  23.  @LinleyJena 
  24.  @lacouvee
  25.  @alleyjack
  26.  @emilykeats 
  27.  @LCTKD 
  28.  @AnaLuciaNovak
  29.  @brandscaping
  30. @thefreeradicals

What did we learn?

Twitter is a like a badass radio station. Everyone's got their own channel and broadcasts whatever they want. The problem is the noise. We get so caught up with being the DJ we forget to take requests. Not every Dj can take every request, but some it makes the audience feel engaged if you take at least the good ones.

Of course a few people refused my request, but the majority of people who I asked did. For the last year and a half, I've been making an effort to help, promote, or collaborate with a lot of the people on this list.Take @RajinderYadav as an example. He was looking for information about toning his belly muscle, so I put him in touch with a fitness trainer friend @narinaanne. He was grateful for the hook up, so he helped me out. Otherwise, if I hadn't direct messaged my contacts that post would have gone unnoticed.

The people who were most likely to retweet were people who I reweet, talk to regularly, or share content for their specific consumption.

It may not be good for your mental health to pour our BackType analytics, but it is so easy to see who has done what with your link.  Only one third of the retweets of the link were unsolicited, meaning not asked through a direct mention (DM), and five of those ten retweets were from business accounts. When these businesses mentioned this post, I thanked them in my Twitter feed. Having businesses push my material on Twitter is a sneaky way to get noticed in the public timeline. Instead of paying Kim Kardashin an obscene amout of money for a sponsored tweet, it might be a smart business move to go another route and retweet.

You reward someone for their hard work, and you get mentions in return.

As of today, I have yet to get a like or reblog on my Tumblr account, but who knows what will happen with that post in due time.

If you are looking for a list of people who make Twitter an awesome Social Network: look no further than the list above. Follow Them. My sincerest thanks for taking the time to click the Retweet button; I hope no one got hurt in the process.

     These six songs go out to those who helped me reach my goal,

"Friends" - Flight of the Conchords

"Friends"- Ween

"Friends" - Whodini

"Deep Fried Frenz" - MF Doom

Jurassic 5 feat. Mya - Thin Line "A Lesson in Friendship"

Dionne Warwick & 'Friends'

Thanks to @scwink for that one.

Thank You All For Sharing & Playing Along,


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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Reblogs Vs. Retweets

Kicking it with a few friends the other day, my pal Tim asked, "What's the big deal about Tumblr?". Tim (@Howlabit) is a regular Twitter user, who tweets about Scotch, and the aesthetics of the ladies who serve it, but he has yet to try Tumblr as an alternative micro-blogging platform. I've managed to break my obsession with my Tumblog, but I'd been a regular poster for the majority of last year, so I tried to explain the difference to him.

I'm no Tumblr Celebrity, like Julia Segal or Bohemea. The majority of my meagre four hundred posts consists of reblogged photos of: the Beatles, SelleckWaterfallSandwich, and Zooey Deschanel. I even forgot about my account for a couple of months.  When I checked into my dashboard the other day, this is what I saw:
Thirty people reblogged a Rob Sato photo I found online after seeing one of his shows in the gallery at the Giant Robot store in San Francisco.  Big deal, right? Thirty reblogs.  Many Tumblr Celebrities expect three hundred reblogs per post. However, I'm humbly surprised that one of my posts was reblogged more than the amount of people who follow my Tumblr account, and happy I could share Sato's awesome art with some folks who may not have heard of him before.

Recently, my Twitter account surpassed one thousand followers:

Again, big deal. Paul Pierce's account has over 1.6 million followers (more than three times the population of Boston), and he only follows twenty seven accounts back. Still, for me one thousand followers is a considerable Twitter milestone, and a significant audience to share with. However, with Twitter's amassing audience I've begun to doubt the hype of the "million person reaching" retweet. With the recent changes to the Twitter interface, retweets have been removed from your @mentions, and quarantined in their own tab. Combined with a new option to block retweets from specific users, and the option to turn off RTs completly with Hootsuite, the dream of having one tweet "go viral" is over.             

In less than six hours, or one profile screen length without scrolling, a tweet from an account the size of mine has been lost in the noise. Unless one of the big time Twitter celebrities, like @jianghomeshi or @sharonhayes, sees your tweet, and retweets it - the only person who will read it is the archivist at the US Library of Congress (Lucky them!). Perhaps this is one of the reasons Jon Mayer quit Twitter for Tumblr? 

Here are a few solutions to maximize your reach with Twitter Retweets:

1: Automate - Scheduling a few tweets with a third party service, like Hootsuite or (my favorite) Posterous, can help you reach different time zones, which can be helpful for those of us who live on the Pacific side of the continent. Change your text a little, space your second tweet more than six hours apart, and some bloke will be reading your article at Tea Time in London, UK, (or Ontario). Be careful though, this tactic can make you seem disingenuous if someone asks a question or sends you feedback through an @mention, and you take twelve hours to respond, or look like a spammer if you repeat the same tired blog post every hour for twelve hours.

2: Don't Expect - If you send an @mention to someone you mention in a blog post don't expect them to reply, but don't be surprised if they do. One of the most awesome parts about Twitter is it's ability to connect producers with people, and @mentions are faster to respond to than emails.

3: Leverage Influencers - Each tweet is assigned a unique URL, DM that puppy to someone who you know will Retweet you. Again, don't be a spammer and attempt this trick with every one of your boring tweets, but if you have something of value for the person you are sending to then hop to it, with respect. For more information on identifying influencers read Gary Lee from mBlast's: The Hype Over Influencers

For more information on Retweeting check out Ben Parr's How To: ReTweet on Twitter
& the update by Josh Catone:  How To: Use The New Retweet Feature

Thanks for Reading, Reblogging and Retweeting: I'd love to be proven wrong!


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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The End of Baby Blue

On Saturday I scrapped my truck of eight years. It's the end of almost a decade of favours, chores, moving friends, and hauling junk.  Even though I am no longer: "Chore-dan", aka your buddy with the truck, I hope we can still be friends. 

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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Music Post #11: Yoome: The Boredom of Me - A Depressing Distraction - Serengeti Appreciation Summer #music #hiphop

Yoome's album - The Boredom of Me is one of the most depressing albums ever. It's "Shoe Gazer Hip Hop", or "Melodramatic Pop".  Yoome's themes of divorce, awkwardness, and lost friendships,are best explained through the behind the scenes filming of the video for the song Amsterdam, and the videos for the album:


Yoome is Renee Louise Carafice, Tony Trimm (JUNE) & Serengeti.

If you don't have all day to read this blog and watch these music videos, and ten minute long documentaries, at least have a laugh at this part of the documentary which introduces the character of Kenny Dennis. The Bolex:


Kenny Dennis is the ongoing blue-collar persona who appears on Geti's albums: Dennehy - Lights, Camera Action; Conversations with Kenny/ Legacy of Lee; and, as KDz on the Grimm Teachaz album There's a Situation on the Homefront. The character of Kenny makes Serengeti more accessible. He's a funny dude with everyday problems, and a massive mustache.

There is a new Yoome album said to be released this fall - Keep an eye on their MySpace for it. In the mean time buy Yoome on iTunes or from Audio8   

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Tai Chi Teaching & Personal Training – A Gift | Victoria Wellness Professionals

Teachers – A Gift
by Jordan Keats

A few weeks ago Narina and I met for coffee at Demitasse bakery in Oak Bay. We’ve met a few times before, at tweetups, but we’ve never had a chance to talk. Over two strong Americanos we discussed ideas of fitness, leisure, and learning. Narina and I spoke at great length about the difficulties of finding a good teacher, for both Tai Chi and fitness training.

Whether training a martial art or working out for health and fitness, a good teacher can make practicing a chore or a pleasure. Personal trainers or teachers ride the razor’s edge between intimidation and motivation. Motivate a student, and they return for the challenge of learning more. Intimidate a learner, and they will leave feeling scared to return. Needless to say, it is difficult to find a good teacher.

It’s called for to treat students as individuals. Treat elders with patience, and youth with discipline; however, there are times you need to be patient with youth and emphasize increasing practice to elders. A good teacher will take each case as unique, and adjust appropriately. I’ve observed my Tai Chi teacher, Master Gordon Muir, will take me to the peak of frustration in order to teach a certain lesson. Turning frustration to a lesson is an amazing way to get a point across, but it can also leave a learner feeling confused if the lesson is never fully understood. There should always be an overarching message to “Know Your Limits”. A teacher has to gauge how far to push a student before motivation turns to intimidation.

Shang Lee, a blogger and fellow Chen Style Practitioner, translated a speech by Sun Zhonghua a 19th generation master of Chen Style Taijiquan and a 2nd generation master of Hunyuan Tai Ji, posted on Shang’s blog.

Master Sun lists five conditions you need to be a top Tai Ji master, and these conditions can be applied to being a top personal trainer as well:

1. Love the art
2. Have the time
3. Have moral and ethics
4. Able to learn and comprehend
5. Have a good teacher

These five factors are expansions on the Aristotelian rhetorical concepts of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos; however, Sun places special importance on two of these qualities: A teacher has to “have the goods” and “can teach”:

Have the goods:

“Having the goods” means having the real thing. You can’t listen to whoever who brands himself well, or have a large student following. You can’t even say that the person has the goods just because he is famous. To know whether a person has the goods, you need to understand the person from various sources and consciously observe the teacher. You first have to look at the lineage of teachers before him, but again, just because he’s on some famous lineage does not mean he has the goods. You still have to consciously observe. As choosing the right teacher is that important, you cannot take this exercise lightly. If not, you might end up learning all the wrong things again.

Can teach:

“Can teach” means the teacher is able to pass on his knowledge effectively to the students. This is a bit more than willing to teach, although willing to teach is a key criteria. Some who have the goods are unwilling to teach, hence misleading his students, and concurrently destroying his name and lineage. There are others who don’t have the goods, and yet imitate the masters as though he has the goods. He doesn’t even have the fake goods…

Before you sign up for the next class of combined Yoga/ Running/ Tai Chi & Weightlifting – “Now without impact or stretching!”, consider who your trainer is, how long they have learned for, and who they learned from. If you desire to be a martial arts teacher, or a personal trainer, identify your weaknesses and Know Your Own Limits. If you are not confident in the results of your training, wait until your skill matches the needs of your students.

Happy Training!

Jordan Keats is the co-founder of Outpost Communications, where he is the Director of Content and Audience Analysis, specializing in writing for new media and marketing strategy. Jordan is also an assistant instructor at the Victoria Chen Taiji Academy, and has trained with world class instructors such as Master Gordon Muir, and Master Chen Zhonghua. When not training Tai Chi, Jordan can be found drinking coffee around Victoria, attending tweetups, and volunteering at new media workshops like
Social Media Camp at the Victoria Conference Centre on October 3, 2010.


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Friday, August 20, 2010

Music Post #10: Don't Give Up - Serengeti Appreciation Summer #music #hiphop

If You Can Feel What I'm Feeling Then It's A Musical Masterpiece
If You Can Hear What I'm Dealing With Then That's Cool At Least
- MCA (From the song Pass the Mic by the Beastie Boys)

Serengeti and Polyphonic's first album, Don't Give Up, takes time to love. Impose Magazine said, "Serengeti & Polyphonic have created an album that will likely get better with age".  The combination of Polyphonic's intense sounds with the unenthusiastic rhymes of Serengeti needs experiencing to be enjoyed. Listen to Eleven on headphones next time you are on a long boring drive. You're life will get instantly more interesting. 

"Anyone who thinks they are avant garde is probably too stuck in intellect; music that lasts is usually not an experiment, but an experience" - Chris Dedrick 

My initial impression of Don't Give Up was unfavorable. There were a few a enduring songs mixed with a bunch of weirdo music that I would always skip. However, each of these songs has come to find a moment where they fit. Sunrise, accompanying me on an early morning practice; Puppy Dog Love, when a relationship was good; and A Slew of Things Differently, when things weren't so good.


Serengeti & Polyphonic try to find all of the usuals of rap music on Don't Give Up, and purposefully go against them in varying degrees, from many different angles, turning more rap into music, and more music into rap - Audio 8

My roommate Rusto, the only person I know who listens to Geti (and reads these posts), told me about listening to Praha while walking through Prague finally getting it. To this day I still don't know what Waste of Time or Don't Fear the Mimes is about, but these songs make you feel the way the composer intends. I'll admit, you will feel like a bit of a weirdo listening to Don't Give Up, but normal is boring.


Probably the most anti-commercial rap album since Fear Of A Black Planet. It’s about time - Tangible Sounds

Buy Don't Give Up from Audio 8 or on iTunes

Thanks for reading & sharing,


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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Music Post #9: What if the Minimum Wage was $19 an Hour - Serengeti Appreciation Summer #music #hiphop

I read a review when Serengeti's Noticeably Negro came out in 2007, and I can't find who wrote it or where I found it; regardless, the woman who wrote about the album called it "sophomoric", "misogynistic", and panned N.N. as nothing special or just another rap album. Regarding a line on the title track about liking girls with "big mountains", I agree with her. This is somewhat immature, but anyone familiar with Serengeti's whimsical work knows he has plenty of rhymes but follows little reason. These guys kick unadulterated raps, thoughts of whatever interests them. Young men think about beautiful women. Build a bridge: get over it.

Noticeably Neeg offers more insight on life than most music on the charts today. The song: Bubble Bath, talks about raising the minimum wage to nineteen dollars an hour, and what life would be like if so: "Maybe the Wellington's couldn't get that porcelain table" , and "Folks couldn't build a water skiing lake/ if the minimum wage was...", and the end of "peasant squabbling".

Constance Burris, from,  has a great review of N.N., and the song T.R.I.U.M.P.H., not to be confused with the Wu-Tang hit single of the same name. Burris notices how Noticeably Negro features gun shots, describes strip clubs, and buying porches, yet  "doesn't glorify violence, sex or money". Burris points to some meaningful lines from the song T.R.I.U.M.P.H., but I take more meaning from these:

Do you always want to be worried about worries?/ No. Neither does no one. The answer is Fun. The answer is always doing things you said you'd do/ I read the Tao of Pooh on a beach in Malibu [...].
These words inspire me to fulfill more commitments, and enjoy myself when it's at all possible in the process. For example, embarking on my last trip to California when I could have brushed it off after hitting numerous roadblocks, and finishing this Serengeti Appreciation Summer project. Like Geti says about having a hit record, in this interview, I wish I could afford to write and teach tai chi full time too: 


Other tracks you might like:

Bubbles Place
Cauc's Remix
Very Ill
Platinum Chains

Download Noticeably Negro by Serengeti on iTunes (It's most definetly available):

Thanks for reading - leave some feedback!

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Sunday, August 01, 2010

Music Post #8: Always Reading Us - Serengeti Appreciation Summer #music #hiphop

When I started Serengeti Appreciation Month it was as a distraction from planning my sister's wedding, and after the wedding I took an impromptu trip to California to teach tai chi and visit friends. The hardest part of blogging is not having a deadline, as well as not getting paid to do it; so, Serengeti Appreciation Month is turning into Serengeti Appreciation Summer.

The flexibility of this project suites the release of Serengeti and Hi-Fidel's album: Saturday Night. Which is expected to ship out "mid-summer". This gives me enough time to explain the rest of Geti's albums, and finish with a review of Saturday Night.

Geti released five albums in 2006: Dennehy, Gasoline Rainbows, Thunder Valley, Race Trading, and Noticeably Negro. Three of these I have already covered in past weeks. This post I'll focus on Race Trading, and next week: Noticeably Negro.

The theme of Race Trading, and Noticeably Negro, are both about issues dealing with race. From the first track of Race Trading, Afro, Geti raps about having a "fro" so big he can hide a can of mace inside. The title track, Race Trading, deals with interracial relationships, with such lines as "I want to be with someone from the same ape", and how his friends won't date outside their race.

The skit: We've Been Dating for 112 Months, has a girl telling her boyfriend how her mom doesn't think "black people have emotions", when he asks to meet her parents. The final song on this album is Mexican Hands, with rhymes like "towels are folded by Mexican hands/ Los Lobos is a Mexican band", it addresses the contradiction in how Americans view the value immigrants bring to their country. This album's theme isn't race, it's about the contradictions in our actions, and our desire to define the world around us. 

"I've got too many thoughts, moods, views, and stories/ and they change everyday so fuck a category" - Nico B, from the song Hiccova.

Race Trading is available free from Audio 8 Records:         

Tracks from this album you might like:

Jim Duggin
Race Trading Remix

Thanks for helping me spread the word. Word.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Serengeti Appreciation Month: Week 3: Part 1 - Dennehy, Taoism, and Debussy

There's a track from Dennehy (Lights, Camera, Action), with enough meaning it deserves it's own post. The re-release of the original Dennehy has a few additional songs, and more interludes to connect the story line. Two of the worst songs, Derek & iPod, are shorter but all of the added songs make buying this re-released album worthwhile.

The other day at work I met a painter working at the same property where I garden. Homeboy was nodding his head while painting on a twenty foot ladder; bursting out "Yeah!", and  "Ohhh!". I asked what he was listening to and he said the Roots covering J Dilla. Two of the greatest hip hop artists of this generation. I told him about Serengeti Appreciation Month, but I doubt he will be able to find this post. Regardless, I'll dedicate this song to him. From Dennehy (Lights, Camera, Action) - Here is - Go Paint:

Download now or listen on posterous
04_Go_Paint!.m4a (8454 KB)
The song that inspired this post is called: the Neeg. Out of all of Geti's songs, the Neeg is the most meaningful for me. The lines "With so much rushing, and so much discussion over nothing [...]", and "I went to sleep and missed all the hoopla, stunning facts of who's hot [...]", are so awesome it's almost insulting to explain why.

Download now or listen on posterous
15_the_neeg.mp3 (5329 KB)

These lines remind me of the book, the Tao of Pooh, by Benjamin Hoff, and the chapter: Bisy Backson. Rabbit goes to Christopher Robin's house, and finds a sign he reads as:





              - C.R.

We all become path dependent to our regular routines. Hoff writes, "If you want to be healthy, relaxed, and contented, just watch what a Bisy Backson does and then do the opposite" (p. 94).  Working too much makes you crazy.  "The athletic sort of Backson - one of the many common varieties - is concerned with physical fitness, he says. But for some reason, he sees it as something that has to be pounded in from the outside, rather than built up from the inside. Therefore, he confuses exercise with work.  He works when he works ,works when he exercises , and, more often than not, works when he plays . Work, work, work. All work and no play makes Backson a dull boy" (p. 94).  Are we all working out for some imaginary idea of perfect health or immortality?

Oh, and does this sound familiar?



"This is rap music, something you feel. Word up"

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Music Post: Week Three of Serengeti Appreciation Month: Wishing for Whimsy Back #SAM

Serengeti's other release from 2006 is Noodle Arm Whimsy.  Whimsy is THE essential Serengeti album. It doesn't define the music Cohn is making today, but the vibe from this album is funny, interesting, and honest. Lots of skits and fantasy songs, like Tanning Season and Trophy Husband, and some songs to make you think, like Benji and Whimsy Cards. My roommate heard about this album on a MF DOOM forum, and was annoying the rest of the house by singing off-key to the hook of Seven Minutes:

Download now or listen on posterous
13_7_Minutes.mp3 (4882 KB)


Whimsy Cards is the only other song from Noodle Arm Whimsy without cursing.  We've been listening to this song for five years, and I still have no idea what it's about.  

"She wrote short stories about a monster in a jar. Whose always looked at as an allegory for being alone"


Download now or listen on posterous
09_Whimsy_Cards.mp3 (2335 KB)

This whole album is fun, and dude. There's even a reference to Spicoli:




Buy Noodle Arm Whimsy on iTunes

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tai Chi Post: Yang Style Taijiquan for the iPhone and iPad - Good Idea?


Developer: JoyiPhone
Price: $4.99

The Chinese martial arts, has a long history, while the Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese martial arts in a wonderful work.

Martial arts can not only physical fitness, but also to train a person’s will.

Yang style Tai Chi Chuan is a genre of Tai Chi Chuan. It is created by Yang Lu Chan (1799-1872) and developed by his son-Yang Jian Hou (1839-1917), his grandson Yang Cheng-fu (1883-1936) and others based on the old frame of Chen style Tai Chi Chuan.

Yang style Tai Chi Quan Jia stretch concise, structured, shenfa Chiang Kai-shek, action Hwasun, a mixture of ethereal calm; Lianfa from the Song into the soft, hardness and softness, forming a unique style.

The application procedure of 251 cases of diagrams and a detailed description, and clear videos of each actions, complete explanations of the authentic Yang style Taijiquan for each of all 85-style postures.

This application provides the Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English version, will automatically match the language based on the user’s current settings .

If you encounter any problem with this application, please contact with


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Taijiquan Screenshots


As much as I love my iPhone, I don't think I would ever practice a form with a phone or an iPad my hand. This may be helpful for learning the choreography of a form, but so much of learning Tai Chi is based on physical and tactile feedback. You can practice the wrong way, without corrections and feedback, and wreck your knees.

What do you think? Do Smart Phones and other emerging technologies have valuable potential for helping people learn Taiji, or will it promote a superficial and dangerous way of practicing?

Lets chat,

Posted via email from jordankeats's posterous

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Tai Chi Post: Yang Style Taijiquan for the iPhone and iPad - Good Idea?


Developer: JoyiPhone
Price: $4.99

The Chinese martial arts, has a long history, while the Tai Chi Chuan is a Chinese martial arts in a wonderful work.

Martial arts can not only physical fitness, but also to train a person’s will.

Yang style Tai Chi Chuan is a genre of Tai Chi Chuan. It is created by Yang Lu Chan (1799-1872) and developed by his son-Yang Jian Hou (1839-1917), his grandson Yang Cheng-fu (1883-1936) and others based on the old frame of Chen style Tai Chi Chuan.

Yang style Tai Chi Quan Jia stretch concise, structured, shenfa Chiang Kai-shek, action Hwasun, a mixture of ethereal calm; Lianfa from the Song into the soft, hardness and softness, forming a unique style.

The application procedure of 251 cases of diagrams and a detailed description, and clear videos of each actions, complete explanations of the authentic Yang style Taijiquan for each of all 85-style postures.

This application provides the Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English version, will automatically match the language based on the user’s current settings .

If you encounter any problem with this application, please contact with


Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)">retweet

Taijiquan Screenshots


As much as I love my iPhone, I don't think I would ever practice a form with a phone or an iPad my hand. This may be helpful for learning the choreography of a form, but so much of learning Tai Chi is based on physical and tactile feedback. You can practice the wrong way, without corrections and feedback, and wreck your knees.

What do you think? Do Smart Phones and other emerging technologies have valuable potential for helping people learn Taiji, or will it promote a superficial and dangerous way of practicing?

Lets chat,

Posted via email from jordankeats's posterous

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Music Post: Week Two of Serengeti Appreciation Month: Free Interesting Music

A quick post for the end of Week Two of Serengeti Appreciation Month. Serengeti's album: ThunderValley (2006). Available Free from Audio 8 records: It's odd but amazing musical storytelling. Two songs appearing in my Best of Serengeti playlist are Chocolate & Curse of the Polo. Chocolate is such a mind worm, it will creep into the back of your head in the next three days guaranteed:

Download now or listen on posterous
01_Chocolate.mp3 (2972 KB)
Other tracks of worth noting are Curse of the Polo, You Don't Love Me, and To Be Like You.
Download now or listen on posterous
10_Curse_of_the_Polo.mp3 (3992 KB)
"Live Jazz Rap for the Iconoclast"

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tai Chi Post: Always Wear Pants at Appropriate Level.

There are no formal uniforms for practicing Taiji. Any loose pants will do; however, you should not feel the pants touching your legs or let them restrict your movement in any way. In Hong Junsheng's book, Chen Style Practical Method Taijiquan, Volume One: Theory, he writes "Light silk garment and soft belt/ The style of a gentleman/ Leisurely but prepared" (p. 72).

Last November, Taiji Traditions camp did some serious damage to my hip hop rep. During our afternoon workout, Master Chen Zhonghua said to me, "your pants are too low". I hiked my belt's level to my hip, but Master Chen still said, "too low". I hiked my belt buckle above my bellybutton, and my mobility increased tenfold. 

There are no warm up stretches in Practical Method Taiji, and there are no uniforms. We rely on our preparedness for every situation. Don't be a lookin' like a fool. Keep your pants at the appropriate level:




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