Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Music Post #11: Yoome: The Boredom of Me - A Depressing Distraction - Serengeti Appreciation Summer #music #hiphop

Yoome's album - The Boredom of Me is one of the most depressing albums ever. It's "Shoe Gazer Hip Hop", or "Melodramatic Pop".  Yoome's themes of divorce, awkwardness, and lost friendships,are best explained through the behind the scenes filming of the video for the song Amsterdam, and the videos for the album:


Yoome is Renee Louise Carafice, Tony Trimm (JUNE) & Serengeti.

If you don't have all day to read this blog and watch these music videos, and ten minute long documentaries, at least have a laugh at this part of the documentary which introduces the character of Kenny Dennis. The Bolex:


Kenny Dennis is the ongoing blue-collar persona who appears on Geti's albums: Dennehy - Lights, Camera Action; Conversations with Kenny/ Legacy of Lee; and, as KDz on the Grimm Teachaz album There's a Situation on the Homefront. The character of Kenny makes Serengeti more accessible. He's a funny dude with everyday problems, and a massive mustache.

There is a new Yoome album said to be released this fall - Keep an eye on their MySpace for it. In the mean time buy Yoome on iTunes or from Audio8   

Posted via email from jordankeats's posterous

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