Sunday, March 14, 2010

6 Months and 600 posts on

 Sheesh, I can stop Tumbling to write about Tumblr, right? Alright. This should be easy. Just let me reblog this hilarious .gif, there we go. 

Tumblr is a microblogging site, much like Twitter, but with far less limitations. It's name comes from those clickers doormen use to count room occupancy. The numbers roll over, and over, and over, with each click, as it is with Tumblelog  posts: a stream of posts appearing ad infinitum.  Tumblr is where you go to get sick of looking at beautiful art and people.

 According to their motto, Tumblr is the easiest way to blog. Aside from photos, you can post videos, quotes, text, and formsprings. Uploading audio files is limited to one per day, but if you find a song that is externally hosted (with a url link) you can post as many as you want, which is far better than what facebook allows (none at all). It is invitational, you can block, and follow, accounts just like Twitter, but it is also geospecific; you can find people "Tumbling" in your city or next door. Tumblr's infinite scrolling feature, is another reason Tumblr is miles ahead of their competition.

 Much of what you will find posted on Tumblr is Not Safe For Work (NSFW), "whatever-you-can-get-away-with" artistic posts, and crude but awesome humor. Interesting posts get reblogged, or liked, and quality posts rise to the top, because they are user regulated. In minutes, anyone can start a free Tumblr account and begin spreading whatever meme they choose. Some of my favorites:,, and   

Have fun and happy tumbling!


P.S. Although I am blogging about social media, I do have a job: 

Credit for the picture goes to sabino:

Posted via email from jordankeats's posterous

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