Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Week Eight: Love Me or Leave Me Alone

Water Incorporated by Maude Barlow: An informative yet depressing essay about the threat to the world’s water supply. We recently covered this topic in our geography class and it was also the subject of one of the Canadian Voices lectures. Looking at this piece as a persuasive essay, Barlow lays out the facts and creates her argument from the evidence. The lesson that I took from this piece is to remain neutral and put the strongest argument forward, and let it speak for its self.
Future Schlock by Niel Postman: This is the best essay so far. Postman’s cynical satire is so stereotypically American it is like a cartoon of its self. He points out the obvious deterioration of entertainment quality and reflects on the increase of half-minded programming. The end he is trying to reach is valid but he never mentioned the fact that people want to turn their brains off when they tune in to television. It is a method of relaxation but Postman brings forth the idea that it is wrong to zone out and be programmed by network television. A point that I have heard is that what is on television is called programming for a reason and we should have realized that long ago. Postman also makes mention of The Great Dictator, where the “Look up, Hanna!” speech is from, contrasting the difference between it and The Producers. Mel Brookes and Charlie Chapin both use comedy as a way to lighten controversial topics, these films are in my opinion the best works from these actors and I have yet to see either film on television. This topic is easy to pick on, we are entertained by novelty and to point it out is a cheap shot. It seems like pointing out the obvious is a way for people to feel better than others and makes them appear sophisticated.
Pornography by Margret Atwood: Margret Atwood brings forth her opinion on pornography after visiting the Film Censor’s office. Her talent as a realistic author works well with this essay. “What happens when a boy educated on porn meets a girl brought up on Harlequin romances?(MR,112)”, this passage is reminiscent of another Atwood piece called Happy Endings but the kicker for this passage is truly original, “The clash of expectations can be heard around the block”. For a persuasive essay Atwood leaves her opinion out of it and does what Barlow did and left what she thinks out of forming her issue. This was a great piece and the only beef I have is with what is said in the last paragraph. Atwood thinks that life would be perfect “if everyone [was] in love all the time” and this idea is unrealistic. Love is like any other emotion that comes and goes as it pleases. Love has nothing to do with sex.
Explorations: Blogcritcs.org: Wow, how do I get on that list? I sure these people know what the word on the street is. I find it funny how North Americans have abandoned the idea of a local community for online ones.
Metacritic.org: This site doesn’t appear to be anything but a secondary search engine. This may prove to be handy if one is looking for a certain review but I believe in forming an opinion myself. There is so much payola in media that it is impossible to tell if the view or review is genuine. Do your own homework of the criterion of film and you can make an educated evaluation or informed recommendation.
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