Monday, May 31, 2010

Life without a trace by Chen Zhonghua

Good deeds leave no traces behind; Good advice contains no blame;and Righteous calculations come without thought.

The right closure needs no lock. Good ties cannot be undone even without a knot. Therefore, sages often save lives and not abandon them. They often save things and not discard them. This is called the transcendance of wisdom. Therefore, a nice person does not want to be a teacher. One should not treat a person without treating his abilities. Do not treasure your teacher. Do not love his abilities. Great is intelligence that appears to be confused. This is the wonder of wonders.
—Chapter 27, Laoze

In Chinese folklore, there is a saying, “When a person passes, he leaves only his reputation behind. When a wild goose passes, he leaves only his quack behind.” Men of all ages, past and present, love to leave behiind a “legacy” that they can brag about. These are usually human accomplishments that future generations use to judge their predecessors.

Because of this we have the Pyramid, the Great Wall, and other monuments to man. All these monuments are built on millions of lives simply for the sake of proving a grandious personal point. It is said that when Laoze was enlightened, he realized the futility of normal human life. He gave himself up to nature and went into the forest riding on a blue cow. He was riding it backward, intentionally not wanting to know where it was going. He never came back from the forest. His point was that he was conquered by nature, which is the entire idea of Daoism. Yet, “famed Daoists” of later generations all claim that “he is still living” since there is no proof of his death.

Is is possible for us humans to ever treasure life and nature, not just for monuments?

Related posts:

  1. Taiji Essay by Glen Peters
  2. Ireland workshop comments
  3. David Rivera review of the Puerto Rico Workshop in 2009

December 31, 2007 0 Comments categories: Stories

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Monday, May 24, 2010

How to Enhance Email Posting to Wordpress wIth Posterous

            My name is Jordan Keats, and this is my amazing presentation about enhancing your email posts to your Wordpress blog. The beginning of the presentation will be concerning the technical aspects of using Posterous with Wordpress, and the second half will be applying what we've learned, followed by any questions you have. Thanks to Paul Holmes and the rest of the organizers, as well as the sponsors of WordCamp Victoria.
Wordpress already has a post by email feature, if you don't use this feature here is brief rundown: Go to 'My Blogs' and enable your post by email function. You are assigned a secret gibberish email address to send your message to, and then the message is posted to your Wordpress site.  HTML tags need to be included in the email so your wordpress site can understand what type of file you are posting. This is elaborated upon in the 'Posting Video' section later on in this post, but video files need to identified as such, for example [youtube=http://...].  Uploading or attaching pictures to email posts, files such as .jpeg, .png, .gif, don't require HTML tags; pictures inserted by using a web address (URL) do not need to be tagged so the information is recognized either.  Posting to wordpress by email saves time because you can upload, arrange, and attach media files without using space on wordpress's media library.
Posterous takes posting via email to another level. There is no signup needed, all you need to do to set up an account is to send a post ready email to After sending your first email, you will be prompted to name a domain, for example; Next, you add your other accounts posterous will autopost to, such as your wordpress, tumblr, or blogger blog, you can autopost to Twitter, Linkedin, Friendfeed and Facebook, and Posterous will upload your photos from your email to your Flickr and Picasa accounts. Posterous works like a hub, harmonizing and updating all of your accounts and internet activity from one location. This appeals to how I blog, because I have too many accounts to maintain, and with one email I can update them all. My business partner, Dave, described Posterous as "barfing on the internet", but I see it as a tool for creating a syndicated broadcast of my blog posts.

Emailing will post to your Posterous site, from there you can approve your post before choosing which sites you auto post to. If you want to autopost to all of your connected sites, send your email to, and in an instant Posterous will send your post to all of your sites. There are addresses for posting to each of your sites, and you can combine the sites you want to post to by adding  "+" between your desired destinations name, for example Here is a detailed list of how to pick where you want to post:

*Tip: If you have your Wordpress account set to auto-tweet, go to 'My Blog', and uncheck any sites in the 'Publicize' section. This will allow you to make sure your post is in order, and make any changes before you go public with your post. 
*Tip: If you are using a site, with a .com domain, go to your 'Settings' section in your Wordpress Dashboard, select 'Writing', and enable XML-RPC under the heading 'Remote Posting'.
Posting Pictures: 
There are three ways to post pictures to Posterous:
  • Attach to Email: Posterous creates a gallery of your pictures, which is posted at the end of the post. There is a 25 Mb limit for attachments to gmail, the average picture is between 1600 and 2200 Kbs, the limit is around ten pictures when posting pictures as attachments.You can split and join pictures in your gallery in the web interface.
  • Upload to Web Interface:  the media center in Posterous's web interface gives you 1 Gb of space, and more editing features. You can divide a gallery, add, and rearrange pictures to other galleries. Posterous added a 'rotate' feature, as well as 'drag & drop', so you can play with the order and appearance of your pictures.

    • Embed URLs: If you have a picture already online, or have found a picture posted on another website, you can cut the URL, you know... the text that begins with http://, and paste the address into your post. If you are taking pictures from other websites, give credit to the creator by either keeping the picture active as a hyperlink to the original site or adding a note after the post regarding where the picture came from. Take into consideration the size dimensions of the picture you are posting. Any image bigger than 300x300 will appear massive in your post. Oversized images can be edited from the web interface.

        *Tip: If I want to post a single picture to a specific place in a post, I will upload the picture to, and paste the stable Tumblr URL where I want it placed in the post. This will work from Flickr or Picasa as well.
        Posting Video:
        There are two ways to post video by email:

        • As an Email Attachment: This is the same procedure as adding pictures, upload your video clip as an attachment, and Posterous will resize them and add them at the beginning of the post. Posterous communicates with the destination page and resizes or formats the video as needed. Again, take into consideration the 25 Mb file size limit of Gmail, and the limited hosting space of Wordpress. You may want to purchase the space upgrade offered by Wordpress.
        • As a URL: Posterous is too smart, smarter than Wordpress for now at least. On Posterous you can cut and paste a URL from any video site, such as Youtube, Dailymotion, or Vimeo, and Posterous will recognize the where the video is from and embed it into your site with no worries. Embedding video to Wordpress using URLs from Youtube requires you to insert [youtube=http://..], Google video: [googlevideo=http://...], and Vimeo [vimeo http://...]. Additionally, you can specify the width and height of the video player at the end of the address with equal signs, like [youtube=http:... w=500&h=400], notice the space after the address, before the 'w='.

        There is a technical bug when autoposting video URLs from Posterous to Wordpress. Wordpress needs [youtube=http://..] in order to recognize the URL, so when your post reaches Wordpress, and it does not have the identifying square brackets, it appears as a hyperlinked URL. The staff at Posterous said they are working to fix this, but for now I've been adding two URLs, one with the brackets and one without, and editing whichever does not appear correct. It's a bit of a pain, but Matt Mullenweg, the CEO of Wordpress, said the company will making some acquisitions this year, perhaps Posterous will be one of them.      
        Posting Audio:
               Posting audio files with Posterous is the same procedure as posting video, either add a mp3 as an email attachment, which appears at the bottom your post, or from a URL, which you can paste anywhere you want within your post. I found Posterous in search of a way to post audio files to facebook which were not already hosted as a link. Posterous is a great way to evade Tumblr's limit of only posting one audio file per day.
        Adding Tags & Categories:        
             Adding tags to Posterous is really easy to: In the subject line of your email, where Posterous takes your post's title from , add two round brackets followed by the word 'tag', a colon, followed by your tags, separated by a comma of course, and then closed with two brackts. For example: Title of My Awesome Blog Post ((tag: Awesome, Blog Post, Me))
        This causes another Posterous to Wordpress error, your tags won't transfer to Wordpress via the subject line. To resolve this I've been using the Wordpress by email square bracket system, [tags Awesome, Blog Post, Me] [category My Awesomeness], at the end of my post. If you have a email signature, you don't want at the bottom of your post, everything after the pound sign end will be ignored. On wordpress you can do this too, but with square brackets end, I can't write the actual symbol, but it's in the shortcodes. I've been  posting my tags and categories after the pound end, and then editing the brackets on Wordpress, and where ever else, after I post. Here is a full list of shortcodes that can be added when posting to Wordpress via email:

        Say goodbye to gibberish codes, and start experimenting with the complementary features Posterous offers for Wordpress users. Your first few posts may not turn out as you'd like, but after a few tries you'll be posting to Posterous like a pro. There are lots of other features I didn't mention, like PicPosterous for IPhone, and the Open Beak 1.2 (formerly TwitterBerry) for the BlackBerry. Also, the Posterous bookmarklet allows you to pull photos, video, and text, from any site and add the selection to your Posterous page; similar to the 'Press This' bookmarklet for Wordpress. Keep in mind Stan Lee's famous saying: "with great power comes great responsibility". Posterous is so easy to use, you can easily autopost an error, and have it on all of your sites until someone else finds it. Happy posting!
        Jordan Keats

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        Saturday, May 22, 2010

        IPhone Photography of a Garden in Bloom

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        Picture of Presentation at WordCamp #yyj

        Having a great time at WordCamp in Victoria, BC, Canada. Mostly listening to the talks for us bloggers. David is taking in the technical stream - yippee - we're divide-and-conquering.

        Click to see the full gallery on Posterous:


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        Response to My Presentation on How to use Posterous with WordPress

        On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Garry Tan <> wrote:

        Thank you so much for your hard work here. Much appreciated!


        Posted via email from jordankeats's posterous

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        Saturday, May 15, 2010

        How to Enhance Email Posting to Wordpress wIth Posterous

                    My name is Jordan Keats, and this is my amazing presentation about enhancing your email posts to your Wordpress blog. The beginning of the presentation will be concerning the technical aspects of using Posterous with Wordpress, and the second half will be applying what we've learned, followed by any questions you have. Thanks to Paul Holmes and the rest of the organizers, as well as the sponsors of WordCamp Victoria.

        Wordpress already has a post by email feature, if you don't use this feature here is brief rundown: Go to 'My Blogs' and enable your post by email function. You are assigned a secret gibberish email address to send your message to, and then the message is posted to your Wordpress site.  HTML tags need to be included in the email so your wordpress site can understand what type of file you are posting. This is elaborated upon in the 'Posting Video' section later on in this post, but video files need to identified as such, for example [youtube=http://...].  Uploading or attaching pictures to email posts, files such as .jpeg, .png, .gif, don't require HTML tags; pictures inserted by using a web address (URL) do not need to be tagged so the information is recognized either.  Posting to wordpress by email saves time because you can upload, arrange, and attach media files without using space on wordpress's media library.

        Posterous takes posting via email to another level. There is no signup needed, all you need to do to set up an account is to send a post ready email to After sending your first email, you will be prompted to name a domain, for example; Next, you add your other accounts posterous will autopost to, such as your wordpress, tumblr, or blogger blog, you can autopost to Twitter, Linkedin, Friendfeed and Facebook, and Posterous will upload your photos from your email to your Flickr and Picasa accounts. Posterous works like a hub, harmonizing and updating all of your accounts and internet activity from one location. This appeals to how I blog, because I have too many accounts to maintain, and with one email I can update them all. My business partner, Dave, described Posterous as "barfing on the internet", but I see it as a tool for creating a syndicated broadcast of my blog posts.

        Emailing will post to your Posterous site, from there you can approve your post before choosing which sites you auto post to. If you want to autopost to all of your connected sites, send your email to, and in an instant Posterous will send your post to all of your sites. There are addresses for posting to each of your sites, and you can combine the sites you want to post to by adding  "+" between your desired destinations name, for example Here is a detailed list of how to pick where you want to post:


        *Tip: If you have your Wordpress account set to auto-tweet, go to 'My Blog', and uncheck any sites in the 'Publicize' section. This will allow you to make sure your post is in order, and make any changes before you go public with your post. 

        Posting Pictures: 

        There are a few different ways to post pictures to Posterous:
        • Attach to Email: Posterous creates a gallery of your pictures, which is posted at the end of the post. There is a 25 Mb limit for attachments to gmail, the average picture is between 1600 and 2200 Kbs, the limit is around ten pictures when posting pictures as attachments.You can split and join pictures in your gallery in the web interface.
        • Upload to Web Interface:  the media center in Posterous's web interface gives you 1 Gb of space, and more editing features. You can divide a gallery, add, and rearrange pictures to other galleries. Posterous added a 'rotate' feature, as well as 'drag & drop', so you can play with the order and appearance of your pictures.
        • Embed URLs: If you have a picture already online, or have found a picture posted on another website, you can cut the URL, you know... the text that begins with http://, and paste the address into your post. If you are taking pictures from other websites, give credit to the creator by either keeping the picture active as a hyperlink to the original site or adding a note after the post regarding where the picture came from. Take into consideration the size dimensions of the picture you are posting. Any image bigger than 300x300 will appear massive in your post. Oversized images can be edited from the web interface. 

        *Tip: If I want to post a single picture to a specific place in a post, I will upload the picture to, and paste the stable Tumblr URL where I want it placed in the post. This will work from Flickr or Picasa as well.

        Posting Video:

        There are two ways to post video by email:

        • As an Email Attachment: This is the same procedure as adding pictures, upload your video clip as an attachment, and Posterous will resize them and add them at the beginning of the post. Posterous communicates with the destination page and resizes or formats the video as needed. Again, take into consideration the 25 Mb file size limit of Gmail, and the limited hosting space of Wordpress. You may want to purchase the space upgrade offered by Wordpress.
        • As a URL: Posterous is too smart, smarter than Wordpress for now at least. On Posterous you can cut and paste a URL from any video site, such as Youtube, Dailymotion, or Vimeo, and Posterous will recognize the where the video is from and embed it into your site with no worries. Embedding video to Wordpress using URLs from Youtube requires you to insert [youtube=http://..], Google video: [googlevideo=http://...], and Vimeo [vimeo http://...]. Additionally, you can specify the width and height of the video player at the end of the address with equal signs, like [youtube=http:... w=500&h=400], notice the space after the address, before the 'w='.

        There is a technical bug when autoposting video URLs from Posterous to Wordpress. Wordpress needs [youtube=http://..] in order to recognize the URL, so when your post reaches Wordpress, and it does not have the identifying square brackets, it appears as a hyperlinked URL. The staff at Posterous said they are working to fix this, but for now I've been adding two URLs, one with the brackets and one without, and editing whichever does not appear correct. It's a bit of a pain, but Matt Mullenweg, the CEO of Wordpress, said the company will making some acquisitions this year, perhaps Posterous will be one of them.      

        Posting Audio:
               Posting audio files with Posterous is the same procedure as posting video, either add a mp3 as an email attachment, which appears at the bottom your post, or from a URL, which you can paste anywhere you want within your post. I found Posterous in search of a way to post audio files to facebook which were not already hosted as a link. Posterous is a great way to evade Tumblr's limit of only posting one audio file per day.

        Adding Tags & Categories:        
             Adding tags to Posterous is really easy to: In the subject line of your email, where Posterous takes your post's title from , add two round brackets followed by the word 'tag', a colon, followed by your tags, separated by a comma of course, and then closed with two brackts. For example: Title of My Awesome Blog Post ((tag: Awesome, Blog Post, Me))

        This causes another Posterous to Wordpress error, your tags won't transfer to Wordpress via the subject line. To resolve this I've been using the Wordpress by email square bracket system, [tags Awesome, Blog Post, Me] [category My Awesomeness], at the end of my post. If you have a email signature, you don't want at the bottom of your post, everything after the pound sign end will be ignored. On wordpress you can do this too, but with square brackets end, I can't write the actual symbol, but it's in the shortcodes. I've been  posting my tags and categories after the pound end, and then editing the brackets on Wordpress, and where ever else, after I post. Here is a full list of shortcodes that can be added when posting to Wordpress via email:

        Say goodbye to gibberish codes, and start experimenting with the complementary features Posterous offers for Wordpress users. Your first few posts may not turn out as you'd like, but after a few tries you'll be posting to Posterous like a pro. There are lots of other features I didn't mention, like PicPosterous for IPhone, and the Open Beak 1.2 (formerly TwitterBerry) for the BlackBerry. Also, the Posterous bookmarklet allows you to pull photos, video, and text, from any site and add the selection to your Posterous page; similar to the 'Press This' bookmarklet for Wordpress. Keep in mind Stan Lee's famous saying: "with great power comes great responsibility". Posterous is so easy to use, you can easily autopost an error, and have it on all of your sites until someone else finds it. Happy posting!
        Jordan Keats

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        Friday, May 14, 2010

        Playing Tai Chi in Subway Stations

        In February, I went to train in Oakland, CA, with Nathan Heintz. Nate crashed at my house while he was in BC for Taiji Traditions Camp, in November (2009) at Shawnigan Lake, and I went to California so he could return the favour. Leaving Canada during the winter is awesome, and going to train in the Californian sun sounded like a good idea. The trip from Victoria, BC,  to Lake Merritt, California, on Amtrak took forty hours on one ferry and one train seat. At least they had terrible coffee:

        One morning, while Nate and I were practicing on the lake shore, we saw a guy wearing weights on his wrists and ankles doing what looked like a bagua walk along the path. He went to the lakeside and did what looked to be Capoeira stretches. Nate and I were drilling jibengong (foundational exercises) and warming up with push hands. 'Wrist Weights' finished stretching and interrupted us as we pushed. He claimed to have forty years of training, and experience in combat. He was missing one of his front teeth, so at least it looked like he had been in some scraps. After forcing his opinion of what we were doing wrong on us, I asked 'Wrist Weights' for his name, he said: "Yi-Chuan". I shook his hand and said, "Each-one-Teach-one".

        Nate explained to me that Yi-Chuan has an affinity to the three internal martial arts, Bagua Zhang, Hsing-I Chuan, and Taijiquan (Tia Chi). Yiquan is a fighting art that was developed by a practitioner of Xingyi. Nathan said, "there are no forms, and the majority of the curriculum is Zhang Zhuang and single-movement exercises similar to Jibengong in the Practical Method of Chen Taijiquan. I don't know what Yi Chuan is, and won't claim to know because I have never practiced the art, but Nate used to practice and explains the difference as "Xingyiquan = form mind fist. Yiquan = mind fist. Xingyi is Yiquan without the form".

        Joseph, pronounced "Yoseph", aka 'wrist wieghts', taught us a few things. When we asked who his sifu (teacher) is, he said "Allah".  He gave me some good feedback on stance adjustments for forms, but Joseph kept repeating one idea to Nate: "You're too tense. You aren't listening. Empty your cup". 

        Accepting an instructor's teachings is the biggest roadblock to learning. You need to empty your cup so someone else can fill it up. When we say, "empty your cup" it means to accept everything you know is wrong, or at least insufficient, because too often confidence gets in the way of fully understanding the lesson at hand. 

        Three recent articles,one by Master Chen Zhonghua, and another by Chris Bennett aka @ChrisChats, and one by Nathan Heintz provides detail to the concept of emptying your cup and leaning.  Bennett writes: "I did not understand that  a simple move in Tai Chi often requires a depth of understanding which can be only achieved through years of thought, discussion and practice. This understanding is like going on a journey of: simplicity -> complication -> new found simplicity".  

        The journey of taijiquan takes a learner through the process of physical understanding through experience.  It starts with memorizing the choreography of the postures and forms, then correcting the postures, combined with the physical conditioning of muscles and joints.After memorizing the choreography of the form, many people rush into adding speed and strength.  Number Eleven of Master Hong Junsheng's Three Character Canons, in his book Chen Style Practical Method Volume One: Theory, says: "Follow the rules/ Seek progress/ Don't rush/ Without knowing".

        Nathan said: "Sometimes your cup just fills up, and then you're "full of it". Sometimes someone needs to empty your cup for you. They tilt you over on the ground, and some of it spills out. Sometimes your cup needs to crack or break to empty out. Sometimes you just need to listen, or you need to sit down and stop working so hard, so you can slow down and relax, and realize that your job is actually much harder than you thought it was. To understand that what you've been doing had its place, and was not in vain. That all of that work got you here, where you are now. But that now there's something different on the table. Something more fundamental. Something more correct. Another piece".

        Master Chen posted a quote to his posterous from another famous Chinese Master, " I say to my students, the first day I tell you to relax; a month later I tell you to relax; a year later I tell you to relax; ten years later I tell you to relax; and a dozen years later I still tell you to relax. Why? Because after a while, your gongfu has improved so you must relax more and deeper. This is called the flavor of taijiquan. What is the function of taijiquan movements? It is to increase internal energy [...]".  Many people practicing taiji will doubt there is any more they can relax and continue training with strength. These people never get to the next stages in learning taiji.  

        It is reassuring when you encounter people who practice other internal martial arts, like Hsing-I, and see the similarities to the relaxed manner we use in practice and application. Soon after Joseph parted ways with us, another person stopped to ask about our practice, wondering if Nathan teaches push hands. While we were practicing that evening the same guy who inquired about push hands, Stephen, stopped by and demonstrated his Chen Family form. This was one of the rare moments on my trip I actually took some pictures; here are a few:

        Walking through the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station in Oakland, California, Nathan told me about  a violin virtuoso who played for an hour in a subway station and was completely ignored. Through a google search I found the article, Pearls Before Breakfast,  written for the Washington Post by Gene Weingarten.  Only one person recognized Joshua Bell and his violin, worth $3.5 million.  More than a thousand people walked by, and wrote off a master performing their art because they were rushing to work.  Stacy Furukawa, the sole person who recognized Bell from a free concert he put on three weeks earlier, said "Joshua Bell was standing there playing at rush hour, and people were not stopping, and not even looking, and some were flipping quarters at him! Quarters! I wouldn't do that to anybody. I was thinking, Omigosh, what kind of a city do I live in that this could happen?". For some obvious reason, I'm not surprised this could happen in any city, even in Washington, D.C.  

        Playing In Subway Stations by Serengeti & Polyphonic  
        Download now or listen on posterous
        02 Playing In Subway Stations.mp3 (6306 KB)

        The Victoria Taiji Academy's drop-in classes are held in a gym at University Canada West, but us 'die-hards' train outdoors for most of the winter; In late Spring, we move to our full-time outdoor location in Beacon Hill Park. Victoria is a tourist destination, and Beacon Hill is one of the busiest parks in the summer. Thousands of tourist come to 'Mile Zero', where the Trans-Canada highway begins (or ends), and where Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope. Point is, people come from all over the world to take pictures of a statue right beside where we practice, but they pass us by.

        Compared to the story of Joshua Bell, playing a multi-million dollar violin in a DC subway station, Nathan and I had two people stop and recognize we were practicing traditional taijiquan. We were playing our priceless art in public, and even though the San Francisco Bay Area has ten times the population of Victoria BC, only two people stopped to inquire. A few martial artists jogging by gave us the fist over hand martial arts salute, but in a stressful year of intensive study at Royal Roads University, only one of fifty able bodied & stressed out people in my cohort ever inquired about taijiquan, or attended a tai chi class; even though I always announce our taiji academy's events, demonstrations and open houses. Everyone already seems to know everything about tai chi.     

        With this blog, and with my other upcoming projects, I aim to provide simple explanations of my experience learning tai chi, and to share them with anyone who cares. Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting,


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